Air Fryer Oreo-Stuffed Crescent Rolls

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AI generated by thescout Dessert, American cuisine
Servings Difficulty Prep time Cook time Total time
8 Beginner 10 min 8 min 18 min

Golden, flaky crescent rolls filled with Oreos, cooked to perfection in an air fryer.

Did you know?

The Oreo cookie was first introduced in 1912 and has since become one of the best-selling cookies in the United States, leading to creative recipes like this one.

Imagine if you will, a crisp, golden, flaky crescent roll. Now, nestle within its buttery layers a delicious Oreo cookie, creating a perfect hideaway. This, dear friends, is the magic of our Air Fryer Oreo-Stuffed Crescent Rolls. A recipe that marries the modern fascination with air fryer wizardry to the classic American love affair with Oreos and pastry. This dessert speaks to child-like indulgences and the joy of combining two unexpected treats. The air fryer, arguably one of the nifty kitchen gadgets to grace our counters in recent years, employs a whirl of hot air to turn the wrapped Oreos into a delightful sweet treat with a contrasting texture. The outside pastry is reminiscent of a fine pâte feuilletée that might have graced a French noble's table, while the Oreo inside stays true to its humble, yet beloved roots in early 20th-century America. The combination is historical whimsy in culinary form, fit for a casual weeknight dessert or a quirky party snack.


Gather the following ingredients to create a simple yet irresistible dessert that combines the ease of pre-made dough with the decadence of chocolate cookies.

  • 1 can of refrigerated crescent roll dough
  • 8 Oreo cookies
  • Optional: Powdered sugar for dusting
  • Optional: Melted chocolate for dipping


Follow these steps to ensure your crescent rolls emerge wonderfully golden and the Oreos within are cozily wrapped in their pastry blanket. Preheat your air fryer for the best results.

  1. Lay out the crescent roll triangles on a clean surface.
  2. Place an Oreo on the wide end of each triangle.
  3. Roll the dough around the Oreo, starting from the wide end, ensuring the cookie is completely enclosed.
  4. Pinch the ends of the dough to seal the Oreo within.
  5. Preheat the air fryer to 180°C (355°F).
  6. Place the stuffed crescent rolls in the air fryer basket, making sure they are not touching.
  7. Cook for 6-8 minutes or until they are golden brown and the dough is fully cooked.
  8. Allow to cool for a minute before dusting with powdered sugar if desired, or dip in melted chocolate for an extra indulgence.

Add some extra love

For a beautiful presentation and added flavor, drizzle your Oreo-stuffed crescents with melted chocolate and sprinkle with crushed Oreo cookies before serving.

Recipe Remix:
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