Classic Duck à l'Orange with Fragrant Jasmine Rice

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AI generated by Ryan Dinner, French cuisine
Servings Difficulty Prep time Cook time Total time
4 Intermediate 30 min 120 min 150 min

Experience the opulence of Duck à l'Orange with aromatic Jasmine Rice, a blend of French tradition and Eastern fragrance.

Did you know?

Did you know Duck à l'Orange became popular in the United States after being served at President Eisenhower's inaugural dinner?

Embark on a culinary journey to the heart of France with this sumptuous Duck à l'Orange, an iconic dish that marries the savory richness of duck with the sweet and tangy citrus notes of orange. Historically favored by French royalty and aristocrats as a symbol of opulence, this dish finds its beginnings in the Renaissance period. A delightful twist of fate brought oranges to French shores through Mediterranean trade, where they soon became a preferred ingredient in the haute cuisine of the time. Paired with the delicately scented Jasmine rice, we achieve a balance that's both refined and comforting.

Our take on this traditional dish uses an orange glaze that beautifully caramelizes on the duck, providing a glossy and irresistible finish. The Jasmine rice, steamed to perfection, acts as a subtle bed that absorbs the flavors and adds an aromatic counterpoint to the richness of the duck. This harmonious blend of East meets West will transform your dining experience into a celebration of historical flavors and contemporary culinary craft.


The ingredients for Duck à l'Orange are simple but exquisite, focusing on quality and flavor to create a dish that is much greater than the sum of its parts.

Duck and oranges have been a luxurious pair since the times of Renaissance feasts, symbolizing a union of land's bounty and nature's sweetness.

  • 4 duck breasts, skin on
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 400 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 100 g sugar
  • 50 ml white wine vinegar
  • 2 oranges, zested and segmented
  • 2 tbsp Grand Marnier (optional)
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 300 g Jasmine rice
  • 600 ml water
  • A pinch of salt


Follow these steps to recreate a classical Duck à l'Orange that's sure to impress at any dinner table. Pay special attention to the rendering of the duck skin, as this will lead to the perfect texture and flavor.

  1. Score the skin of the duck breasts in a criss-cross pattern, taking care not to cut into the flesh.
  2. Season the duck breasts with salt and pepper.
  3. Place the duck breasts, skin side down, in a cold pan. Slowly heat the pan to render down the fat and crisp the skin for about 10 minutes.
  4. Flip the duck breasts and cook for another 5-10 minutes, depending on the desired doneness. Remove duck and let it rest.
  5. Pour out most of the fat from the pan and return it to medium heat.
  6. Add the sugar to the pan and stir until it melts and becomes a caramel color.
  7. Carefully add the white wine vinegar to the pan, followed by the orange juice, zest, and segments, creating the sauce base.
  8. Reduce the sauce by half, then mix the cornstarch and water and add it to the sauce to thicken. If using, add the Grand Marnier at this stage.
  9. Simmer until achieving a syrupy glaze. Season to taste.
  10. For the Jasmine rice, rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear.
  11. Add the rice, water, and a pinch of salt to a pot and bring to a simmer.
  12. Cover and cook on low heat for 18-20 minutes, or until the rice is tender.
  13. Slice the rested duck breasts. Plate the Jasmine rice and top with the sliced duck breast.
  14. Drizzle the duck with the orange glaze and garnish with additional orange zest if desired.

Add some extra love

For an extra crispy skin on the duck breast, let it dry uncovered in the refrigerator for a few hours before cooking.

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By fandango, 8 months ago

This sounds delicious, must try it!

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