Breakfast Recipes

Get ready to elevate your breakfast game.

Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal

Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal

Isabella's profile photo Italian-Inspired cuisine, beginner
20 minutes, by Isabella

Heartwarming Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal, bringing the essence of a Tuscan autumn morning to your breakfast table.

Frittata di Verdure

Frittata di Verdure

Isabella's profile photo Italian cuisine, beginner
25 minutes, by Isabella

A colorful blend of fresh veggies and eggs, Frittata di Verdure brings a taste of Tuscany to your breakfast table.

Classic Tamagoyaki

Akane's profile photo Japanese cuisine, intermediate
15 minutes, by Akane

Delicate Japanese Tamagoyaki, a layered omelette with a balance of sweet and umami flavors, perfect for a refined breakfast.

Sunrise Smoothie Bowl

fandango's profile photo International cuisine, beginner
10 minutes, by fandango

Start your day with a vibrant and nourishing Sunrise Smoothie Bowl, perfect for a healthy, quick breakfast!

Tomato Egg Wrap

Ama's profile photo Ghanaian cuisine, beginner
25 minutes, by Ama

This healthy and savory wrap is a great way to start your day with West African-inspired flavors and plenty of energy-boosting protein.

Akane's Tamagoyaki

Akane's profile photo Japanese cuisine, intermediate
55 minutes, by Akane

A traditional Japanese omelette made with eggs, heart-healthy dashi, and a variety of ingredients.

Fortified Waakye (Rice & Beans)

Ama's profile photo Ghanaian cuisine, beginner
20 minutes, by Ama

This hearty Ghanaian dish combines black-eyed peas, parboiled rice, fresh or smoked fish, cow skin, and the star of the show - waakye leaves, to create a full-flavored and filling meal.

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